Owner of this site is something else:

Didn't buy domain or hosting previously so I had to work on my localhost which was agreed upon and I completed the project. This was last year.

When they bought domain and hosting about two/three weeks ago, I started migration but wordpress requires some custom work (uploads, layout and elements adjustments, etc) and I have some other projects I'm working on which divides my attention...client redused to be patient and has now cost me more than they paid due to cancelling the project.

I've now had to delete uploaded content and database.

And that's not considering all the other hosting setup (SSL, FTP, emails, etc) I did for them; they simply bought the domain and did nothing else. None of which are part of what they paid for; I was just being a good service provider and having their best interests at heart. Decided to leave those except the emails I created on their behalf.

I wish them best of luck in future endeavours.

Today is the 28th of February, 2024.

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